220+ Mind-Bending “What Am I?” Riddles (WITH ANSWERS)
“Discover 220+ mind-bending ‘What Am I?’ riddles designed to stump your brain and spark your curiosity! Perfect for riddle lovers, these clever puzzles challenge your thinking with creative clues and wordplay. Sharpen your problem-solving skills and enjoy the thrill of cracking each code. Ready to test your wits? Dive in and see how many you can solve!”
- Best “What am I?” riddles
- “What Am I?” Riddles for Adults
- “What Am I?” Riddles for Kids
- Hard “What Am I?” Riddles
- Easy What Am I Riddles : Fun and Engaging Brain Teasers
- Creative Easy What Am I Riddles to Spark Imagination
- Children’s “What Am I?” Riddles
- “What am I?” Riddles for Students: Advanced Puzzles
- “What Am I? Riddles for Middle Schoolers: Fun Brain Teasers to Challenge Young Minds”
- “Who Am I?” Riddles
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Conclusion
Best “What am I?” riddles
“Love riddles? Then you’ve likely come across the classic ‘What am I?’ style! These brain-teasing puzzles are perfect for putting your problem-solving skills to the test. Designed to challenge even the sharpest minds, each riddle offers a mix of clever clues and creative wordplay.
If you’re up for more, why not try tackling trick questions, long riddles, or some of the hardest riddles ever? Whether you’re a teen or just young at heart, these puzzles are sure to keep you entertained and thinking. Ready to take on the challenge? Let’s see how many you can solve!”
“What Am I?” Riddles for Adults

1. Riddle: I am the sweetest and most romantic fruit. What am I?
Answer: A strawberry.
2. Riddle: I am a bird, I am a fruit and I am a person. What am I?
Answer: Kiwi.
3. Riddle: I have numbers on my face but can’t find 13 any place. What am I?
Answer: A clock.
4. Riddle: I can be flipped and broken but I never move. I can be closed, and opened, and sometimes removed. I am sealed by hands. What am I?
Answer: A book.
5. Riddle: Turn me on my side and I am everything. Cut me in half and I am nothing. What am I?
Answer: The number 8.
6. Riddle: Once I’m 24. Twice I’m 20. Three times I’m inappropriate. What am I?
Answer: A car (24-hour clock, 20 mph speed limit, 3rd time implying reckless driving).
7. Riddle: I am the beginning of everything, the end of time and space, the beginning of every end, and the end of every place. What am I?
Answer: The letter E.
8. Riddle: If you have me, you want to share me. If you share me, you haven’t got me. What am I?
Answer: A secret.
9. Riddle: If you say my name I no longer exist. What am I?
Answer: Silence.
10. Riddle: From the beginning of eternity to the end of time and space to the beginning of every end and the end of every place. What am I?
Answer: The letter E.
11. Riddle: With shiny fangs, my bloodless bite will bring together what’s mostly white. What am I?
Answer: A zipper.
12. Riddle: Give me food, and I will live. Give me water, and I will die. What am I?
Answer: Fire.
13. Riddle: Born in an instant. I tell all stories. I can be lost. But I never die. What am I?
Answer: A memory.
14. Riddle: I am a fruit, but also a shape. If you had two of me, I would sound just the same. If you rearrange my letters, it could be a crime. Add me to a montage and I can become a different fruit. Remove my head and you can still listen; take away the end and I can still be eaten. Without a piece of the centre, I am still a word; take away all of the middle and I am just an acronym. What am I?
Answer: Pear (shape, two pears sound the same, “rape” is a crime, “pearmontage” hints at pomegranate, “ear” to listen, “pea” to eat, “pr” is a word, “P.R.” is an acronym).
15. Riddle: I can whistle, I can howl, I can scream, and I can whisper, but I do not speak. What am I?
Answer: Wind.
16. Riddle: I am beautiful, up in the sky. I am magical, yet I cannot fly. To people I bring luck, to some people, riches. The boy at my end does whatever he wishes. What am I?
Answer: Rainbow (boy = bow, as in archer).
17. Riddle: I can fall off a building and live, but in water I will die. What am I?
Answer: Paper.
18. Riddle: I am a vegetable that bugs stay away from. What am I?
Answer: Garlic.
19. Riddle: You saw me where I could not be. Yet, often you see me. What am I?
Answer: A dream.
20. Riddle: You use lots of me, yet right you use me when you’re done. What am I?
Answer: Toilet paper.
21. Riddle: I am a way to say goodbye to your sweetheart. What am I?
Answer: A kiss.
22. Riddle: I lose my head in the morning and regain back it at night. What am I?
Answer: A pillow.
23. Riddle: I am so delicious that I require a house to contain me. What am I?
Answer: Cake.
24. Riddle: I have two legs, but they only touch the ground while I’m at rest. What am I?
Answer: A pair of pants.
25. Riddle: I have a head, tail, but no arms and legs. What am I?
Answer: A coin.
26. Riddle: I am owned by Old McDonald. What am I?
Answer: A farm.
27. Riddle: I am milky white and scares people. What am I?
Answer: A ghost.
28. Riddle: I cause involuntary movements in your vehicle. What am I?
Answer: A pothole.
29. Riddle: I am good at concealing what’s real and hide what’s true. Sometime, I bring out the courage in you! What am I?
Answer: A mask.
30. Riddle: Use me to reward good behavior. What am I?
Answer: A treat.
“What Am I?” Riddles for Kids

31. Riddle: Turkey day. What am I?
Answer: Thanksgiving.
32. Riddle: I am not very commonly found! Only in some rainforest! I have an odd number of toes! I’m very lazy and hang upside down! What am I?
Answer: A sloth.
33. Riddle: I can be driven, but have no wheels. I can be sliced, but still remains whole. What am I?
Answer: A golf ball.
34. Riddle: I do not speak, but there is no word I cannot make. What am I?
Answer: An alphabet.
35. Riddle: I am not alive but seem so, because I dance and breathe with no legs or lungs of my own. What am I?
Answer: A flame.
36. Riddle: I am rarely touched but often held, and if you are smart you’ll use me well. What am I?
Answer: A brain.
37. Riddle: I am easy to waste and unstoppable. What am I?
Answer: Time.
38. Riddle: I am a protector of the scoreboard. What am I?
Answer: A referee.
39. Riddle: I am always in front of you, but you will never see me. What am I?
Answer: The future.
40. Riddle: I go from house to house, a messenger small and tight. Weather it rains or snows. I sleep outside at night. What am I?
Answer: A newspaper.
41. Riddle: I am enjoyed by some, despised by others. Some take me for granted, some treasure me like a gift. I last forever, unless you break me first. What am I?
Answer: A heart.
42. Riddle: I spend most of my day eating white. When I am quick enough, I get rewarded with fruit and somethings blue. In a dark room with blue walls, I run from the ghost that roam the halls. What am I?
Answer: A Pac-Man (video game character).
43. Riddle: I beam, I shine, I sparkle white. I’ll brighten the day with a single light. I’ll charm and enchant all. I’ll bring the best in you all. What am I?
Answer: A smile.
44. Riddle: I have a hundred legs, but cannot stand. I have a long neck, but no head. I cannot see, and I help keep your house neat and tidy. What am I?
Answer: A broom.
45. Riddle: I invade your home once a year… but only if you’ve been good. What am I?
Answer: Santa Claus.
46. Riddle: Rub me and a genie might appear. What am I?
Answer: A lamp.
47. Riddle: I am brown and sticky. What am I?
Answer: Peanut butter.
48. Riddle: Two in a whole and four in a pair. Six in a trio you see. Eight’s a quartet but what you must get is the name that fits just one of me. What am I?
Answer: A shoe.
49. Riddle: I go around and in the house, but never touches the house. What am I?
Answer: A shadow.
50. Riddle: When it comes to me, you go on red and stops on green. What am I?
Answer: A watermelon.
51. Riddle: I go up and down at the same time. Up towards to sky and down towards the ground. What am I?
Answer: A seesaw.
52. Riddle: When filled I can point the way. But when empty unmoving I stay. What am I?
Answer: A glove.
53. Riddle: I shoot but never kill. What am I?
Answer: A camera.
54. Riddle: I am a delicious way of representing data. What am I?
Answer: A pie chart.
55. Riddle: I am bigger than elephant but lighter than a feather. What am I?
Answer: The moon.
56. Riddle: I like to twirl my body but keep my head up high. After I go in, everything becomes tight. What am I?
Answer: A screw.
57. Riddle: I eat as you turn me, my blade cutting wood. When I am full, empty me you should. What am I?
Answer: A pencil sharpener.
58. Riddle: I can generate fear and some say I come out of your ears. I am as quiet as a mouse but not welcomed in the house. What am I?
Answer: Dust.
59. Riddle: I shrink smaller every time I take a bath. What am I?
Answer: Soap.
60. Riddle: Sometimes I am liked, sometimes I am hated. Usually I am old, usually I am dated. What am I?
Answer: A coin.
Hard “What Am I?” Riddles

61. Riddle: I have a long tail that I let fly. Every time I go through a gap, I leave a bit of my tail in the trap. What am I?
Answer: A kite.
62. Riddle: I am known for my natural tuxedo and marching. What am I?
Answer: A penguin.
63. Riddle: You get embarrassed when you stand on me when everybody is watching. Women don’t like to talk about the number they see on me. Everyone stands on me when nobody is around. What am I?
Answer: A scale.
64. Riddle: Better touch me before you proceed to second. What am I?
Answer: First base (in baseball).
65. Riddle: Born in the ocean and white as snow. When I fall back to water I disappear without a trace. What am I?
Answer: A wave.
66. Riddle: I come in many shapes and colors. I sing in the breeze but only live 7 months. What am I?
Answer: A kite.
67. Riddle: I twist and turn and leaves a loop. What am I?
Answer: A ribbon.
68. Riddle: I am full of wisdom and knowledge. I get what you want in a blink of an eye. I am known to man as full of endless wisdom. What am I?
Answer: A book.
69. Riddle: I am ten little beans your look at everyday. What am I?
Answer: Fingers.
70. Riddle: In a tree you’ll find me moving slow as can be. My name is a sin but from them I am free. What am I?
Answer: Sloth.
71. Riddle: I can be red, blue, purple, and green. No one can reach me, not even the queen. What am I?
Answer: The sky.
72. Riddle: In the morning I sing on feathered wing. I soar through the air without a care. What am I?
Answer: A bird.
73. Riddle: You can drop me from the tallest building and I’ll be fine, but if you drop me in water I die. What am I?
Answer: Paper.
74. Riddle: I am at your hand when it is dark and hidden away in the light. What am I?
Answer: A ring.
75. Riddle: I am a portal to another world which you cannot enter. Only you can see me but I can’t see you. What am I?
Answer: A mirror.
76. Riddle: Found at the back of a book or in an abdomen. What am I?
Answer: Appendix.
77. Riddle: I am like thunder in your cranium. What am I?
Answer: A thought.
78. Riddle: I increase head turning rate tremendously for girls at beaches. What am I?
Answer: A bikini.
79. Riddle: I have wheels and flies, yet I am not an aircraft. What am I?
Answer: A garbage truck.
80. Riddle: The faster you run, the harder it is to catch me. What am I?
Answer: Your breath.
81. Riddle: Cats and deflation tires make this noise. What am I?
Answer: Hiss.
82. Riddle: Many people own a copy of me. Without me the world would fall. What am I?
Answer: A map.
83. Riddle: I am a tool for fairies. What am I?
Answer: A wand.
84. Riddle: I have two arms, but fingers none. I have two feet, but cannot run. I carry well, but I have found I carry best with my feet off the ground. What am I?
Answer: A yardstick.
85. Riddle: I can burn your mouth and sting your eye, but I am consumed everyday. What am I?
Answer: Salt.
86. Riddle: I am a sharp looking horse with a flaxen tail. The longer I run the shorter my tail becomes. What am I?
Answer: A comet.
87. Riddle: Although I may have eyes, I cannot see. I have a round brown face with lots of acne. What am I?
Answer: A potato.
88. Riddle: When set loose, I fly away. Never so cursed, as when I go astray. What am I?
Answer: A fart.
89. Riddle: Things here are usually tagged with red stickers. What am I?
Answer: A clearance sale.
90. Riddle: I am hot then cold, a liquid then solid, and I am at once flaky and wet. What am I?
Answer: Snow.
Easy What Am I Riddles : Fun and Engaging Brain Teasers

91. Riddle: Forward backwards is what I do all day. I come in all different shapes and sizes. I can be scary, and I can calm you down. What am I?
Answer: Music.
92. Riddle: I am very large but look very small. When night falls, I am cherished by all. What am I?
Answer: The moon.
93. Riddle: A large oasis in the desert. Come with cash and leave with none. What am I?
Answer: A casino.
94. Riddle: I am a beverage named after a stick. What am I?
Answer: Ginger ale.
95. Riddle: Agile on my feet, I drive dogs mad. I flick my tail when I’m angry and hum when I’m glad. What am I?
Answer: A cat.
96. Riddle: I can be entertaining until you realize some pieces have been lost. What am I?
Answer: A puzzle.
97. Riddle: I enclose you in darkness but allow you to see many things. If you resist me, you’re likely to get rings. What am I?
Answer: Sleep.
98. Riddle: I live in the corn, and my job is to deter. Free from pests your crops I assure. What am I?
Answer: A scarecrow.
99. Riddle: I am nature’s way of applauding lightning. What am I?
Answer: Thunder.
100. Riddle: Found at the back of the book. What am I?
Answer: Index.
101. Riddle: I am taken out of the mine and locked in a wooden case that will never let me out, yet is used by almost every human. What am I?
Answer: A pencil.
102. Riddle: I am not alive, but I can grow; I have no lungs, but I need air; I have no mouth, but the water is killing me. What am I?
Answer: Fire.
103. Riddle: I’m always hungry, I always have to eat. The finger I touch soon turns red. What am I?
Answer: Fire.
104. Riddle: I walk all over the world, but I never leave a corner. What am I?
Answer: Stamp.
105. Riddle: I am light as a feather, yet the strongest man cannot hold me for more than a minute. What am I?
Answer: Breath.
106. Riddle: You see a house with two doors. One door leads to certain death, and the other door leads to freedom. However, the doors are identical, and there is no label or sign on either door. In front of one of the doors stands a guard who always tells the truth, and in front of the other door stands a guard who always lies. You can ask one question to one guard in order to ensure you choose the door to freedom. What question do you ask?
Answer: If I were to ask the other guard which door leads to freedom, what would he say?
107. Riddle: I have a face and two hands, but no arms or legs. What am I?
Answer: Hours.
108. Riddle: I am seen once in a minute, twice in an instant, but never in a thousand years. What am I?
Answer: The letter M.
109. Riddle: I can be long or short, sometimes light and sometimes dark, and often signal a transition. What am I?
Answer: One day.
110. Riddle: I can be filled with fire and yet not burn; I’m looking for both convenience and utility. What am I?
Answer: Furnace.
Creative Easy What Am I Riddles to Spark Imagination
111. Riddle: I can be loud or quiet, short or long, and I am often heard but not seen. What am I?
Answer: Sound.
112. Riddle: I am a vessel that never holds anything, I am visible yet empty and can be useful or obsolete. What am I?
Answer: Frame.
113. Riddle: I have no teeth, but I can still bite, I can be smooth or rough, and I am often used for work and play. What am I?
Answer: File.
114. Riddle: I have branches, but no fruit, trunk, or leaves. What am I?
Answer: Bank.
115. Riddle: I can fly without wings. I can cry without eyes. Everywhere I go, darkness flies. What am I?
Answer: Cloud.
116. Riddle: I have a neck but no head. I wear a cap but I have no hair. What am I?
Answer: A bottle.
117. Riddle: I can be long or short; I can be bred or bought; I can be painted or bare; I can be round or square. What am I?
Answer: A nail.
118. Riddle: I have a heart that won’t beat. What am I?
Answer: Artichoke.
119. Riddle: I may be broken, but I’m never held. What am I?
Answer: A promise.
120. Riddle: I can be found in the ocean, but I am not a fish. I can be found in the sky, but I’m not a bird. What am I?
Answer: Wool.
121. Riddle: I can be seen in water, but I never get wet. What am I?
Answer: Reflection.
122. Riddle: I have a thousand needles, but I don’t sew. What am I?
Answer: Cactus.
123. Riddle: I can be tall or short, I can be fast or slow. I can be loud or quiet, but I am not sound. What am I?
Answer: Spacing.
124. Riddle: I’m full of holes, but I can still hold water. What am I?
Answer: Mushroom.
125. Riddle: I may be hot or cold, but I have no temperature. What am I?
Answer: Pepper.
126. Riddle: I am both a tool and a decoration used to shape but seen in the form of art. What am I?
Answer: Chisel.
127. Riddle: I have no legs but I can travel distances, I leave no traces but I can change the way you feel. What am I?
Answer: Breeze.
128. Riddle: I am a combination of opposites that can create harmony even though I am never in one place. What am I?
Answer: Music.
129. Riddle: I can be both a shield and a mirror, reflecting what is in front of me without moving. What am I?
Answer: A window.
130. Riddle: I can be a fruit or a means to an idea and I can be pressed or pondered. What am I?
Answer: Orange.
Children’s “What Am I?” Riddles
131. Riddle: I have a key but I can’t unlock the door, I’m a silent artist without a stage. What am I?
Answer: Piano.
132. Riddle: I start with a whisper, turn into a roar, and can disappear without a trace. What am I?
Answer: Echo.
133. Riddle: I am a thread without an end, used to measure and often found in a drawer. What am I?
Answer: A measuring tape.
134. Riddle: I can be cracked but not broken, stretched but not torn, and can be found on a boat or in a purse. What am I?
Answer: Sail.
135. Riddle: I can be light or dim, I am in nature but not alive, and I can be both comforting and terrifying. What am I?
Answer: A star.
136. Riddle: I can bend but not break, I have a clear purpose but am often ignored. What am I?
Answer: The rule.
137. Riddle: I have a bed but never sleep. I have a mouth but never speak. What am I?
Answer: A river.
138. Riddle: I can be high or low, I can be fast or slow. I can be loud or quiet, but I am not a sound. What am I?
Answer: A pitch.
139. Riddle: I can be found in a book, but I am not a word. I can be found in a puzzle, but I am not a piece. What am I?
Answer: A clue.
140. Riddle: I can be found in a classroom, but I am not a student. I can be found in a library, but I am not a book. What am I?
Answer: A desk.
141. Riddle: I have no life, but I can die. What am I?
Answer: A battery.
142. Riddle: I can be used to write, but I am not a pen. I can be used to draw, but I am not a pencil. What am I?
Answer: A marker.
143. Riddle: I can be used to measure, but I am not a ruler. I can cook, but I am not a pot. What am I?
Answer: A scale.
144. Riddle: I can be opened but never closed. I can be filled but never emptied. What am I?
Answer: A promise.
145. Riddle: Without a foot, it can travel great distances. Without eyes, it can still see. What is it?
Answer: A camera.
146. Riddle: Often invisible, it can change your mood, come from nowhere, and be felt by all. What is it?
Answer: A draft.
147. Riddle: Found in a library but not in a book, it can be found on a shelf but never in a store. What is it?
Answer: A bookmark.
148. Riddle: Seen when you’re awake, it vanishes when you close your eyes. What is it?
Answer: A dream.
149. Riddle: Can be used to measure, always in use, but never seen on its own. What is it?
Answer: A scale.
150. Riddle: Present in every room but never in the center, can’t be touched but is essential. What is it?
Answer: Light.
151. Riddle: Often gets filled up but never eats, can be cracked but never broken. What is it?
Answer: A shell.
152. Riddle: It can make you cry or laugh, can be long or short, and exists in many forms but always carries a message. What is it?
Answer: A story.
153. Riddle: Always on the go, never gets tired, never stays still, and can be found in many colors. What is it?
Answer: A vehicle.
154. Riddle: Found in every kitchen, it can be both hot and cold, and can hold many different contents. What is it?
Answer: A pot.
155. Riddle: Has a voice but no mouth, can talk to you but can’t hear. What is it?
Answer: A telephone.
156. Riddle: Changes shape and size but stays in the same spot. Used in various ways but is always round. What is it?
Answer: A wheel.
157. Riddle: Can be short or long, always found in a sequence, and is used to hold other things together. What is it?
Answer: A string.
158. Riddle: Doesn’t have a head, legs, or a tail but can keep things organized and is essential in a book. What is it?
Answer: A page number.
159. Riddle: Can be found in nature but is not a living thing, often moves with the wind, and is used for decoration. What is it?
Answer: A leaf.
160. Riddle: Can be given but not held, can be lost but never found, and is needed in every interaction. What is it?
Answer: Trust.
“What am I?” Riddles for Students: Advanced Puzzles
161. Riddle: Used to measure but has no units, comes in different forms but always provides a limit. What is it?
Answer: A ruler.
162. Riddle: Found on a map but not in the real world, it shows directions but cannot move. What is it?
Answer: A compass rose.
163. Riddle: Keeps time but doesn’t move, always in one place yet never still. What is it?
Answer: A clock face.
164. Riddle: Moves through the air but can’t be seen, can change direction without a guide. What is it?
Answer: A breeze.
165. Riddle: Lives in water but is not a fish, can be clear or colored, and often changes form. What is it?
Answer: A bubble.
166. Riddle: Exists in many places, can be large or small, and is often covered but never hidden. What is it?
Answer: A building.
167. Riddle: Known for its flexibility and used in various designs, it can stretch but never break. What is it?
Answer: Rubber.
168. Riddle: I have keys but open no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter, but you can’t go outside. What am I?
Answer: A keyboard.
169. Riddle: I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. I burn but never feel pain. What am I?
Answer: A candle.
170. Riddle: The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
Answer: Footsteps.
171. Riddle: I fly without wings. I cry without eyes. Wherever I go, darkness follows me. What am I?
Answer: A cloud.
172. Riddle: I can travel around the world while staying in one corner. What am I?
Answer: A stamp.
173. Riddle: I have hands but can’t clap. I have numbers but can’t count. What am I?
Answer: A clock.
174. Riddle: I am full of holes but still hold water. What am I?
Answer: A sponge.
175. Riddle: You’ll find me in Mercury, Earth, Mars, and Jupiter, but not in Venus or Neptune. What am I?
Answer: The letter “R.”
176. Riddle: I am invisible, weigh nothing, and if you put me in a barrel, it becomes lighter. What am I?
Answer: A hole.
177. Riddle: I get wetter the more I dry. What am I?
Answer: A towel.
178. Riddle: I can only be used once I’m broken. What am I?
Answer: An egg.
179. Riddle: I run but never walk. I have a bed but never sleep. What am I?
Answer: A river.
180. Riddle: I can be cracked, made, told, and played. What am I?
Answer: A joke.
181. Riddle: I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water. What am I?
Answer: A map.
182. Riddle: I can’t be seen, touched, or heard, yet I can hold you tightly. What am I?
Answer: A fear.
183. Riddle: People buy me to eat but never eat me. What am I?
Answer: A plate.
184. Riddle: I am easy to lift but hard to throw. What am I?
Answer: A feather.
185. Riddle: I must be broken before you can use me. What am I?
Answer: An egg.
186. Riddle: I go up, but never come down. What am I?
Answer: Age.
187. Riddle: I come out at night without being called. I’m gone in the morning, without being stolen. What am I?
Answer: Stars.
188. Riddle: I have teeth, but I don’t eat. What am I?
Answer: A comb.
189. Riddle: You can drop me from the tallest building and I’ll be fine, but if you drop me in water, it’ll be the end of me. What am I?
Answer: Paper.
190. Riddle: I’m made of water but not wet. What am I?
Answer: A cloud.
“What Am I? Riddles for Middle Schoolers: Fun Brain Teasers to Challenge Young Minds”
191. Riddle: I have a spine but no bones. What am I?
Answer: A book.
192. Riddle: What runs all around a backyard, yet never moves?
Answer: A fence.
193. Riddle: I scare some people, but most kids think I’m sweet. What am I?
Answer: Halloween.
194. Riddle: You see me once in a year, twice in a week, but never in a day. What am I?
Answer: The letter ‘e’.
195. Riddle: I go through cities and fields, but never move. What am I?
Answer: A road.
196. Riddle: I’m round on both sides, but hi in the middle. What am I?
Answer: Ohio.
197. Riddle: The more you have of me, the less you see. What am I?
Answer: Darkness.
198. Riddle: I get sharper the more I’m used. What am I?
Answer: A brain.
199. Riddle: I’m a coat that can only be put on wet. What am I?
Answer: A coat of paint.
200. Riddle: I can be as big as an elephant, but I weigh nothing. What am I?
Answer: A shadow.
201. Riddle: I’m not alive, but I can die. What am I?
Answer: A battery.
202. Riddle: You can throw me away, but I will always come back. What am I?
Answer: A boomerang.
203. Riddle: I am answered all the time, but never ask a question. What am I?
Answer: The door. (Or a phone!)
204. Riddle: Forward, I am heavy, but backward I am not. What am I?
Answer: Ton.
205. Riddle: I have one small eye but can’t see a thing. What am I?
Answer: A needle.
206. Riddle: I have many eyes but can’t see. What am I?
Answer: A potato.
207. Riddle: Add me to your pocket and it will be empty. What am I?
Answer: A hole.
208. Riddle: I am bought by the yard but worn by the foot. What am I?
Answer: Carpeting.
209. Riddle: I get smaller every time I take a bath. What am I?
Answer: Soap.
Also Read this : 200+ Bible Riddles: Test Your Knowledge and Divine Wit
210. Riddle: I make two people out of one. What am I?
Answer: M (referring to a mirror, where “M” is a clue splitting one reflection into two).
211. Riddle: I am something people love or hate. I change people’s appearances and thoughts. If a person takes care of them self I will go up even higher. To some people, I will fool them. To others, I am a mystery. Some people might want to try and hide me but I will show. No matter how hard people try I will never go down. What am I?
Answer: Age.
212. Riddle: I am white when I am dirty, and black when I am clean. What am I?
Answer: B (referring to a blackboard, where “B” is a clue; it turns black when cleaned with a cloth).
213. Riddle: My life can be measured in hours, I serve by being devoured. Thin, I am quick. Fat, I am slow. Wind is my foe. What am I?
Answer: A candle.
214. Riddle: I am as light as a feather, yet no man can hold me for long. What am I?
Answer: Breath.
215. Riddle: The more you take away, the more I become. What am I?
Answer: H (referring to a hole, where “H” is a clue; digging removes material, increasing the hole).
216. Riddle: Always in you, sometimes on you; if I surround you, I can kill you. What am I?
Answer: Water.
217. Riddle: I have no feet, no hands, no wings, but I climb to the sky. What am I?
Answer: S (referring to smoke, where “S” is a clue; it rises without limbs).
218. Riddle: Look in my face, I am somebody; look in my back, I am nobody. What am I?
Answer: A mirror.
219. Riddle: I have a little house in which I live all alone. It has no doors or windows, and if I want to go out I must break through the wall. What am I?
Answer: A chick (inside an egg).
220. Riddle: I’m as small as an ant, as big as a whale. I’ll approach like a breeze but can come like a gale. By some, I get hit, but all have shown fear. I’ll dance to the music, though I can’t hear. Of names, I have many, of names I have one. I’m as slow as a snail, but from me, you can’t run. What am I?
Answer: The weather.
221. Riddle: I am a word of six; my first three letters refer to an automobile; my last three letters refer to a household animal; my first four letters is a fish; my whole is found in your room. What am I?
Answer: Carpet (car-pet; “car” = automobile, “pet” = household animal, “carp” = fish, and carpet is found in a room).
222. Riddle: I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?
Answer: A candle.
223. Riddle: There is a green house. Inside the green house, there is a white house. Inside the white house there is a red house. Inside the red house, there are lots of babies. What is it?
Answer: A watermelon (green rind, white flesh, red interior with seeds as “babies”).
224. Riddle: You can touch me, you can break me, you should win me if you want to be mine. What am I?
Answer: A heart.
“Who Am I?” Riddles
225. Riddle: Half of me will mend, the other half will imprison. When I am together, I will poison. Who am I?
Answer: A snake.
226. Riddle: Our dinner guests cry that we are evil, when they notice their place in the meal. But it’s no big deal. We are just one big happy tribe that gets real fed up with people! Who are we?
Answer: Cannibals.
227. Riddle: A man who lives in New York legally married three women. He did not get a divorce, an annulment, or legally separate. Who is he?
Answer: A marriage officiant.
228. Riddle: My first four letters describe all living things. My last five letters are another word for knight. My job is to save you, and I’m a fan of water. Who am I?
Answer: God.
229. Riddle: I craft crowns of gold and bridges of silver. Who am I?
Answer: A dentist.
230. Riddle: I carry a lot of secrets, happy or sad. I drive or walk to my destination rain or shine to make sure I give you what is truly yours. Everything that I bring with me is destined for only one place which is decided in advance. Who am I?
Answer: A mail carrier.
231. Riddle: I can help a minor, I can help a senior. I can take care of you, and no matter what your mood is, I always give you a happy face. I probably won’t give you any advice, but I am always grateful when you give me tips. Who am I?
Answer: A waiter.
232. Riddle: I wash, cut, and shave a dozen times a day yet I still have lots of hair. Who am I?
Answer: A barber
233. Riddle: Sometimes you are relieved to see me, and other times you run from me in fear. Sometimes I stop you and sometimes I let you go, but whenever you need me, I am always a quick call away. Who am I?
Answer: A police officer
234. Riddle: I am small, have wings, and carry a weapon. I target people and once I do, they’re usually glad I did. February is the month in which I appear the most. Who am I?
Answer: Cupid
235. Riddle: I have wings and a wand. When you lose something and leave it under your pillow, I leave you a prize. Who am I?
Answer: The Tooth Fairy
236. Riddle: I grew up outside society. I am wild, my voice echoes throughout the jungle, and nature is my playground. Who am I?
Answer: Tarzan
237. Riddle: My first is a very uncomfortable state, in cold weather it mostly abounds. My second’s an instrument formed of hard steel, that will cause the stout foe to stagger and reel, and when used, is a symptom of hate. My whole is an author of greatest renown, whose fame to the last day of time will go down. Who am I?
Answer: Shakespeare
Also Read this : The Ultimate Harry Potter Riddles Test Your Hogwarts Knowledge
238. Riddle: I travel across the land with a sack on my back, bringing joy to children once a year. My journey starts from a snowy place, and I’m known for my hearty laugh. Who am I?
Answer: Santa Claus
239. Riddle: I am a guardian of dreams, often found under your bed. I might scare you as a child, but I’m just a myth in your head. Who am I?
Answer: The Boogeyman
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: Why are ‘What Am I?’ riddles so popular?
A: They’re short, engaging, and perfect for all ages. Plus, they challenge your brain in a fun and satisfying way!
Q2: How can I get better at solving riddles?
A: Practice regularly, pay attention to details in the clues, and think outside the box. The more you solve, the better you’ll get!
Q3: Are riddles good for kids?
A: Absolutely! Riddles help kids develop critical thinking, vocabulary, and problem-solving skills while having fun.
“‘What Am I?’ riddles are clever puzzles that challenge you to decode a set of clues to uncover a specific object, concept, or idea. They test your observation, critical thinking, and creativity, turning everyday things into fun brain teasers.
Solving these riddles not only sharpens your mind but also brings a sense of accomplishment. Ready for a challenge? Dive into these engaging riddles and share them with friends and family to spark some friendly competition and laughter. Who knows—you might just become the ultimate riddle master!”